Tuesday 5 March 2019

Dreaming of Spring

It happened when I was otherwise engaged….


 “Dreaming of Spring”

The first of Caroline Zoob’s Stitchery Journal pieces.
(Based on the style of Vilhelm Hammershoi).

 I was also busy stitching daffodils and daisies,

a simple fresh seasonal design for “The Spring Garden” workshop at Lucinda’s.

 Suddenly I realised that Spring had arrived early.

Through the window, I saw yellow catkins swinging from the gnarled and twisted branches of the Corkscrew Hazel trees in the garden.

It seemed no time at all since we walked through the forest kicking at the brown leaves that lay decaying beneath the trees.

Now we were walking through woodland with clumps of daffodils providing bright splashes of colour in the shady light below the trees.

 Although the stitching is complete, there are still touches of paint to add to finish off; however, this will have to wait as the garden and allotment are beckoning. New growth is flourishing and the new gardening year has begun already.



Mairstail man said...

Spring has moved on and the whip has been cracked but there is still the chance for some frost.

Charlotte said...

So much to do and so little time - what do I concentrate on first?

Little seedlings are eager to grow, but it is not yet the right time to plant them out, so they languish indoors looking out of the window, unable to flourish to their full potential.

Soon the sun will shine again and it will be warm and everything will be good.