Summer has merged into autumn without ever really seeming to have happened.
the garden blossomed and showed off its newly found beauty and potential,
before the next deluge of torrential rain and strong winds battered it once more;
mercilessly tearing the petals
persevering to do their best to show off their blooms,
despite battling weather induced mildew and an infestation of caterpillars.
On one of those rare days of sunshine, I seized the opportunity to take the time to appreciate the newly planted garden and how it has developed over the past few months.
The air shimmered as the morning sun cast rays of ethereal silvery light across the garden.
At the side of the steps Prostrate Rosemary trails down over old chimney pots.
(Where Rosemary grows the missus is master!)
At the side of the steps Prostrate Rosemary trails down over old chimney pots.
(Where Rosemary grows the missus is master!)
Aromatic Lavender and Nepeta edge the winding gravel path leading to the steps made of reclaimed railway sleepers,
softened by the little daisy Erigeron Karvinskianus.
Hollyhocks at the top of the steps,
screen the lawn from view.

screen the lawn from view.
The black Hollyhock (Althea Nigra) makes a dramatic statement
as it towers above the garden at over ten foot tall.
Around the pond is Mallow,
an Arum Lily, Hosta Blue Angel, Ferns,
Lady's Mantle (an alchemists favourite), Anemones and Solomon Seal.
Hollyhocks and a Peony all in different shades of white.
On the surface of the pond a white Waterlily bloomed for a short time.
In the white corner beside the pond are Roses, Lychnis, Nepeta,
Hollyhocks and a Peony all in different shades of white.
Verbena Bonariensis sways gently in the breeze,
attracting bees and fluttering butterflies
and providing splashes of purple amongst the Fennel
and Teasels beside the dovecote.
and Mallow.
Willow wigwams
support Roses,
whilst growing around them are
Looking down to the house from the upper level,
Echinacea (Coneflowers)
provide late flowering summer colour.
The flowers of a giant Scabious (Cephelaria Gigantea),

appear to float around the dovecote.
Beside the fence outside the French doors, a collection of pots beneath a Passion Flower
contain a Hydrangea, Fern and Achillea Moonshine.
Opposite the other set of French doors the old stone trough and pots attracted a new edition to the garden.......
I fell in love with my new garden friend and whiled away the time watching the newly christened Freddy as he contemplated life on the edge of the trough.
I am distressed to say....
that worryingly Freddy is now currently missing and the trough is awfully empty without him!