After my brief foray into Kent to visit Sissinghurst Castle and Gardens; I could not let the opportunity slip to see Perch Hill Farm - the home of the TV gardening presenter Sarah Raven.
Perch Hill only opens to the public several times a year.
I was reminded instantly of our “Christmas in the Barn” events at Lucinda’s where we negotiate narrow lanes, (made even
more treacherous in snowy conditions) and there is all the fun of parking in the
field above the tennis courts. Even in sunny Sussex, (currently not so sunny)
this field at Perch Hill was not immune to the churned up mud, seen copiously spattering
the Audis, BMWs and Range Rovers that had already bagged their parking spot.
I accept that the month of June
was a particular woeful one for us gardeners – the elements have created havoc in
the majority of gardens throughout the UK and without doubt the garden at
Perch Hill was suffering unduly from this unseasonal weather.
The foxgloves lining the lane
were nearly over and therefore not nearly as spectacular as shown in the brochure.
Compared to the
gardens at Sissinghurst, the gardens at Perch Hill had severely suffered from the elements.
The other side of the hedge from
the field we parked in was a small wildflower meadow.
The first garden was the cutting
garden, which obviously is for business purposes. Wind and rain had battered it
and many of the plants were past their best,
but to be perfectly honest I felt it did not quite live up to
the photos in Sarah Raven’s catalogue or the clips that I had seen of it on
Gardener’s World. Despite the weather the crowds had flocked to the open day, and groups of visitors blocked the narrow paths, making photographs difficult.
The vegetable gardens alongside the cutting garden.
I confess though that it was impossible to pass through the vegetable garden without surreptitiously plucking and sampling a tantalisingly ripe full pea pod.
Across the farm lane from the
cutting garden, the farmhouse was under renovation and so areas of the garden
were roped off.
Given the on-going renovations, the
farmhouse garden was in good condition. The builders must have been on their
best behaviour when it came to taking care around the plants. Unlike in my own
garden - when during the building work, the digger driver mercilessly and
needlessly tore a large mature Philadelphus out of the ground by its root ball,
pulverising it to death before I could yell at him to stop.
As the morning moved on, the cool,
dismal weather drove the visitors indoors to the glasshouse and barn for refreshments.
The chatter and humidity persuaded me that the quieter environment of the dimly
lit barn was preferable and we sat at a long table, watching a small blue tit twittering
and flitting about in the rafters above us as we drank our coffee.
At the back of the farmhouse
and the barn is the Oast house.
The garden of the
Oast House
- full of height and interest, was a delight and appealed to me a lot more than other parts of the garden.

However it was at the side of the Oast House
Hmmmm!! Irrepressible ideas raced through my mind.... Oh, if only the
garden at La Petite Maison was bigger, surely there is somewhere, somehow, that I can incorporate a Shepherd's Hut….