November comes
And November goes
With the last berries
And the first winter snows.
With night coming early
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until the next spring.
Today it is the Winter Solstice; rooted and entwined with Nature it is the longest night and shortest day of the year.
The countdown has begun and the year is almost at the end, yet it feels to me as though it has barely begun. The year has flown past unnoticed, but I still feel as though it is only November. The summer didn't seem to appear until October and as October ended, so the incessant rains began, which merged one grey soggy day into another. I wonder to myself what I have been doing with my time all year?
It is time to pause, draw breath and take stock of what has actually happened throughout the past twelve months.
The year began with hours and hours of painting
- transforming a shell of a house into a home.
I bade farewell to my old home and the little garden I loved.
and put down new roots at La Petite Maison.
Work began on transforming the garden from land strewn with building debris to the beginnings of a little oasis.
Roses as usual featured highly throughout the year; in the garden - where the last bare root rose was planted only last week,

and on my walks to the local rose park.
Alas, the allotment has taken a back seat temporarily; very little Sowing done - while Soaping completely dropped off the 2015 To Do List.
I have however managed to squeeze in a bit of the other form of Sewing. Once the curtains were completed, I turned my attention to smaller projects,

such as these bags I made from left over curtain fabric that are ideal for hiding away the small items that clutter up a living area.
A linen lampshade in the hall

that I made to hide the ugly shade beneath.
Somehow in the dark evenings I found a few spare moments to start to teach myself how to embroider.
This little lavender heart was my first attempt.
In the autumn, I renewed my acquaintance with a sweet little person
who had been absent from my life for several years.
I was also delighted to discover that some things hadn't changed and the hours flew by as her mum and I giggled the night away until the dawn.
Much as we had done when we were her age, except that now we were the adults and there were no parents in the next bedroom to bang on the wall to tell us to go to sleep!
Reminiscing over our 'Eighties memories
Much as we had done when we were her age, except that now we were the adults and there were no parents in the next bedroom to bang on the wall to tell us to go to sleep!
A trip to Guernsey introduced me to this little island for the first time.
Staying at the Fleur was an enjoyable experience,
and the little island did not fail to show off the beauty of its coastline.
The neighbouring island of Herm
had white sandy beaches worthy of any tropical island with the added bonus of not needing to embark on a nine hour flight to get there.
The festive season has crept up, taking me unawares, (perhaps because I missed the usual seasonal build-up of Christmas Fairs). My plans for making seasonal decorations did not come to fruition, with the exception of the lovely evening spent at the wreath making workshop in The Barn,
that was described by my fellow wreath makers as akin to something from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
There has been sadness too, and as time has slipped past, so the memories have slipped away. The woman I once called my mother no longer knows she has a daughter.
This year has brought about changes, but as the rain batters us again, making for a rather sodden Solstice, and 2015 draws to a close, the days will be getting longer and there is a promise of new beginnings. Already I am looking forward in anticipation to the Spring when I will watch eagerly as the garden develops over the course of 2016; returning again to the allotment and pulling it back from the brink of being reclaimed by Nature - capturing and sharing it all on the blog.
Most importantly I am hoping to spend more time with friends and family now that the long slog of renovating La Petite Maison has reached its conclusion.
By taking the time to pause and reflect, I realise that although I may not have done all that I had planned; it has actually been a positive and productive year after all!
So Farewell 2015,
I am looking forward to 2016.