Oh what a rather stressful few weeks have been had in the world of Soaps and Roses since I last posted. So many things on the go at once - all up in the air and not yet at fruition.
I have been spinning around from one thing to another;
(sadly not quite as glamorously as the dancer in this poster)
unable to complete one task before another has started. Hence blogging has had to take a back seat whilst I try to regain some sort of control over this ensuing mania of rushing from one thing to another. A recent horrible computer glitch, as well as a recurrence of the winter flu lurgy has only served to compound my tardiness in updating the blog.
At La Petite Maison, Phase 2 has begun and everywhere there is mud, glorious (or should I say - not so glorious) mud! Of course you would think that I am used to mud, through all the digging at the allotment, but in fact this mud is more like glue mixed with treacle, and losing a boot in this gooey quagmire is not fun.
Yes, the extension is finally underway - ;
the foundations have been excavated;
concrete poured and the first blocks laid.
I cannot lie to you and say there is anything glamorous or pretty at this stage, as I am sure that those of you who have experienced any building work in your home will no doubt verify. I am taking comfort in putting together some photos of gorgeous gardens to inspire me, (and keep me from gloom), so that soon (very soon I hope), when the outside of the extension is completed and this bitterly cold weather gone, I can get to work on the lovely task of eradicating this mud and creating the garden.
Before that, I shall keep going; doing my best to -
keep my much-appreciated men-folk motivated, despite the cold and the mud;
carry and fetch for them;
bail out waterlogged holes;
clean mud-encrusted tools and boots;
locate missing items;
wash the mud from floors in the existing house;
prime and undercoat the new windows;
remain positive and cheery at all times;
and of course
ensure that there is a plentiful supply of tea and biscuits,
(shop bought unfortunately, but I will get round to baking a cake, honestly I will!)